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Frequently Asked Questions

How can virtual work? Don't you need to interact with my pet to fix them? - Nope! In fact, many cases, such as when the pet is fearful, aggresive, or anxious, me being in the home will be so ocverwhelming, the pet can't learn in that moment anyway. As a pet goes over "threshold," its brain activates survival mode - during which conscious (good) choices and learning are turned off. In the vast majority of cases there is groundwork for us to do in preparation for addressing the problems you are seeking help with. Most behavior complaints are simply symptoms of what is actually going on, which is usually stress, anxiety, or fear. For example, if your dog is lunging at other dogs, before directly address that, we must work on leash skills, communication, stress/arousal reduction, and energy outlets, all of which we can address virtually. I have successfully worked with pets fighting with other pets, attacking humans, etc. with entire oceans between us.

Why must I pay ahead of our session? - It is not unusual for owners to schedule an appointment in a moment of desperation, or amidst a very hectic schedule, and then forget about it or change their mind. Prepayment is to prevent me planning for an appointment, only to have no one show up. As the sole human running a business, it's expensive to waste time and it also eliminates an appointment time another client might have been able to use. Sort of like how hair dressers now ask you to leave a deposit.

Why do I have to fill out a history - can't I just tell you everything? - Yes, you can. However, as you will see by the history form, there are very specific details that are important to me in addressing your behavior concern. Me gathering all of this info during our session eats up your valuable time, and reduces how much detail I can give you to explain what needs to be done to fix things.

How does insurance cover my session? - If you have pet insurance, review your policy or contact your provider to see if "behavior services" are covered. If yes, it is likely that only services from the following will be covered: a DVM (veterinarian), a DACVB (a vet behaviorist), or a CAAB (animal behaviorist). I have the latter credential. Typically, we have our session and you pay me as normal. You then contact your insurance provider (they MAY need specific documentation from me, which will incur no fees), and you are then reimbursed. Note: it is likely that your pet can not have received any documented services pertaining to the problem behavior prior to the start of your policy.

Why are you so expensive when my neighbor knows how to train dogs? - If you think I'm expensive, wait until you hire an amateur to do the job! A good analogy is your neighbor is like a guy who has built a few garages and I'm like an engineer who builds mansions. I am not a trainer. I am a behaviorist. This means I not only have to know how to teach your pet new skills, I also have to know what is driving their existing behavior and also how to modify that. I know the psychology of how their brain works as well sa the biology of how their body works. Further, I understand three species: cats, dogs, and humans. After all, most of my work is training the HUMAN! You are paying for an expert who knows what to do. Additionally dog training and behavior modification are two very different things. For example I know plenty of amazing, title winning trainers that are aboslutely unqualified in addressing behavior issues. Likewise, if you want to train your dog in protection work, agility, hunting, obedience, or other sport - I am 100% unqualified for that!

How can I trust you know what you're doing? - I did not take this up a few years ago - I've been doing this professionally since 2003. I also did not figure it out as I went nor learn from my uncle or "study under a master trainer" (which by the way isn't a thing!) In addition to many years of experience, I also hold an Ivy League master's degree in animal psychology as well as thousands of hours of continuing ed via courses, conferences, and continuing ed (which is mandatory to maintain my credentials.). You can trust that I will know what is going on and how to address it without harming your pet or your relationship with them and without making the situation worse. I have worked with several thousands of pets and know what works. If for some reason I don't know, I am not afraid to say so and steer you to a better resource. I also hold multiple credentials that you can NOT get without being demonstrating qualifications.

What if there is an emergency and I have to cancel with short notice,? Do you keep the entire pre-payment? - I get it - life happens. I ask for pre-payment to protect myself when clients siomoly forget and sa a resul, I do not get paid nor is that appointment available to others. If you cancel with less than 24hrs notice or fail to show up, I retain only part of your fee and refund the balance. In most emergency cases, I refund the entire payment immediately.

Are there any policies I should know about? - Yes, as part of your pet's history, you will be asked to sign a waiver and agreement, which you can review and will also receive a copy of. Some of my policies can also be found in my "welcome packet" under the "Pet Consulting" menu above.

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